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Echelle humaine


16 > 22 September 2019

Lafayette Anticipations - Festival d'automne à Paris




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Lafayette Anticipations

or Festival d'Automne à Paris

From September, 16-22 2019, Lafayette Anticipations – Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette presents the second edition of its festival Échelle Humaine ("Human Scale").

In 2019, the festival takes its title literally. From the individual body to the collective body, from the solo to the duo and the group, the transformable building of OMA / Rem Koolhaas hosts six propositions that tell us what binds and connects us, weaving dance and text, playing physically with space and words.

For a week, the speech moves. With Se sentir vivant ("Feeling Alive"), Yasmine Hugonnet expresses it with the gesture, the posture, the look and disturbing ventriloquist's words. Belly’s, eyes’, hand’s, mouth’s voice. In We Are Still Watching, Ivana Müller gives a script to viewers, who discover and read it together, creating a temporary community that confronts the unexpected. Sweat Baby Sweat, by Jan Martens, slowly unfolds the images of the love duet. Attraction, aversion, vulnerability, physical power are shrouded in the lyrics and melodies of pop songs. With his new solo Dancer of the Year, Trajal Harrell questions this honor award that has recently been attributed to him by Tanz magazine, and who comes in boomerang questioning him on what it means to him to dance. In Yves-Noël Genod will tell at least one sentence of Merce Cunningham (and perhaps a little more), Yves-Noël Genod summons the rich figure of Merce Cunningham to "chat" the dance, and try to write the impossible poem. Finally, during the two afternoons of the weekend, with Hors-Champ ("Off-Field"), Ivana Müller invites to take place in a tent with a stranger, for a series of pre-written conversations inspired by the world of plants and gardens .

Program curated by Amélie Couillaud

Monday 16 September 2019 - Double bill - 18h30 and 21h

Se sentir vivant
Conception, text, interpretation, Yasmine Hugonnet
Production Arts Mouvementés - Coproduction, Arsenic – Centre d’art scénique contemporain (Lausanne)

followed by
We Are Still Watching
Conception and text, Ivana Müller
Artistic collaboration, Andrea Božić, David Weber-Krebs, Jonas Rutgeerts
Production I’M COMPANY


Wednesday 18 and Tuesday 19 September 2019 - 20h30
Sweat Baby Sweat
Choreography, Jan Martens
With Kimmy Ligtvoet, Steven Michel
Music, Jaap Van Keulen
Production Frascati
Coproduction, ICKamsterdam ; TAKT Dommelhof (Neerpelt) ; JAN vzw (Cortenbergh)


Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September 2019

Saturday 21 September from 14h30 to 19h

Sunday 22 September from 14h to 17h30
Conception and texts, Ivana Müller
Artistic collaboration, Julien Lacroix, Anne Lenglet
Production I’M COMPANY

Dancer of the Year

Saturday 21 September 16h30, 19h00

Sunday 22 September 15h, 17h30

Choreography, interpretation, sound and costumes, Trajal Harrell
Dramaturgy, Sara Jansen
Production Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Bruxelles) // Coproduction Impulstanz Festival (Vienne) ; Schauspielhaus Bochum ; BIT Teatergarasjen (Bergen) ; Lafayette Anticipations (Paris) ; Festival d’Automne à Paris

Yves Noël Genod dira au moins une phrase de Merce Cunningham

(et peut-être un peu plus)

Saturday 21 September 15h, 17h30

Sunday 22 September 16h
Conception and interpretation, Yves-Noël Genod...
Production, Le Dispariteur

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