Alliance caustique,
l'écho des spectres
A performance by Elisa Pône
in collaboration with Eric Arletti
Alliance Caustique, l’écho des Spectres (Caustic Ally, Spectra’s echo) is a 20min performance conceived by visual artist Elisa Pône. It is a synesthetic piece that associates the visual impact of colored fireworks burning on the ground and the music of French composer Eric Arletti, specifically composed and spatialized to synchronize with the fire.
The performance was presented at Centre Pompidou (Paris) in October 2015, and Friche Belle de Mai (Marseille) in May 2015. It is available on tour.
Some images can be seen here
A performance by Elisa Pône in collaboration with Eric Arletti
Music Eric Arletti
Musicians André Gonçalves, Caroline Huynh Van Xuan, Roméo Monteiro, Gaëlle Pecoul Bély, Gonçalo Silva, Jean-Jacques Bedikian, Lisa Raphel, Rodrigo Dias, Soizic Patris de Brueil, Virginie Robinot
Sound spatialization Roméo Monteiro
Film Image Alexis Kavyrchine, Angela Romboni, François Glevarec, Jean-Marc Lamoure and Pilar Arcila
Post-production & Editing Raquel Castro
Performance production eXorde
Co-production Centre Pompidou Paris, Sextant et Plus Marseille.
With the support of DICRéAM and 12MAIL Red Bull Space
Hors Pistes - Centre Pompidou Paris. Sextant et Plus - la Friche Belle de Mai Marseille.
Le Cartel, La Friche La Belle de Mai, Ministère de la Culture, DRAC PACA, DICRéAM, Conseil Régional PACA, Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône, Ville de Marseille, Picto méditerranée, Red Bull, ENO-ENEIS, Loc12, La Rumeur.
Géraldine Gomez, Sylvie Pras, Fabrice Pleynet, Catherine Quiriet, Baptiste Coutureau, Charlène Dinhut, Tami Mouri, Marion Billard, Tristan Guillaumat, Clément Joly, Hors Pistes, Nuit Blanche Paris and the cies Bargraph, Pyrofolies, Centre Chopin, Transport Clémençon Père & Fils.
Véronique Collard Bovy, Léo Guy Denarcy, Audrey Pelliccia, Sébastien Vengud, Drazan Kuvac, Frédéric Molé, Djamal, Magali Delrieu, Maud Chavaillon, Charles Bascou and the GMEM.
Julien Arnaud, Guillaume Sorge, Michel Rein, Loïc Chambon, Adrien Vescovi, Amélie Couillaud, Guillaume Hervier, Emmanuel Mey, Charlotte Laurent, Rodrigo Dias and all the musicians and technicians involved.
Photo © Gilles Pourtier